ENERGIZE, the human body can all experience battery deterioration

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Battery deterioration disease It’s not just mobile phones that have battery deterioration, but the human body can all experience battery deterioration. Many times, we feel like we’re running out of energy while our friends are still energetic. ทางเข้า ufabet On the contrary, we have the most energy when the people around us feel sleepy and drowsy.

When we have to live in a way that goes against our body’s natural rhythms. “e feel bad both physically and mentally. Because we all have our own “biological schedules,” applying the same biological clock to everyone conflicts with living in harmony with our own natural rhythms.

In the book “ENERGIZE!” by Dr. Michael Breus, a sleep medicine psychologist, he delves into the secrets of high-energy humans and recommends energy management techniques for 4 types of people to have energy left over throughout the day, without suffering from battery deterioration and chronic fatigue.

If you want to stop feeling “tired” and have more energy throughout the day. “What you need to do is change your behavior to live according to a schedule that suits your “body type” and “biological personality” by finding your energy profile.

Asked what body type is, people are born with genetics that determine what their body structure will be like. Dr. Michael divides body types into 3 types: “Ectomorph – tall and thin”, which burns energy quickly; “Mesomorph – well-proportioned”, which burns energy moderately; and “Endomorph – plump”. Which burns energy slowly. One thing that makes people tired is trying too hard to have a body type. That is not their natural type, including feeling hatred for their genetic body type.

In addition to staying active and trying to move your body to meet its needs at different times of the day. The key to managing your energy levels throughout the day is to discover your “biological time personality.”

“Dr. Michael” divides personalities according to biological time into 4 types: “Lions”. Who are alert in the morning, “Bears” who are alert during the day, “Wolves” who are alert in the evening. And “Dolphin” who have insomnia and are always half-asleep and half-awake can take an online test on the website Chronoquiz.com to see what kind of personality they have.

If you are a “Lion”, an early riser who gets sleepy at 9pm. You will wake up hungry and full of energy from morning until early afternoon. But at 5pm, your energy will start to drop rapidly because your body has been on a switch all day. Stretching your muscles and practicing meditation will help boost your energy, as will going to bed early to recharge your batteries.

The “Bear” personality is active during the day and needs to rest at night. Bears tend to be sleepy and prefer to nap in the late morning or late afternoon. Their energy levels tend to drop, then rise again in the evening, then gradually decrease until bedtime. Bears are ready to go to bed between 11 pm and midnight, and wake up to face the new world at 7 am.

“Wolves” are most active when the sun sets and don’t feel tired until after midnight. But in the morning, wolves tend to feel groggy, like they’re half-asleep. They get hungry in the afternoon and have a big dinner, so they tend to put on weight.

Dolphins are half-asleep animals and must stay awake to prevent drowning. Dolphins tend to be anxious and are in a state of half-asleep 24 hours a day. A rule of dolphins is not to go to bed until you feel sleepy. For dolphins, anxiety often dominates over physical exhaustion. There is a high chance that dolphins will suffer from insomnia for most of their lives. Heavy exercise in the morning can help relieve dolphins’ high stress levels.

Another technique to find your energy profile is to notice. Which times of the day you are the sleepiest, hungriest, happiest, most stressed, and most alert. Choose to use them appropriately so that you will have energy throughout the day.